Wednesday, July 13, 2005

sick.. of being sick

we just discovered that i'm allergic to any canned/ tetra juices

who freakin gets allergic to those?!

my life just gets better and better everyday!

as usual, there's no one to turn to but blogging. my mom can't do anything about it. my doctor would just give me more and more prescription. i can't even remember what to take at what time.


here's a list of all things not good for me:


1.       coffee (which i cannot give up. my loyal companion at work.)

2.      softdrinks. (which is never without whenever our family eats together)

3.       canned juice, e.g. tang, ponkana, zesto, etc.

4.       dust and pollution (ain't all of us?)

5.       yosi *sigh*

6.       alcoholic beverage

so, im now the official party pooper. if you want a pathetic, bleak and boring party, invite me over. the wildest i can do is inhale second hand smoke and gulp soda until i vomit my insides out.

looking at the bright side, at least i would pursue better living. i already have kid to accompany me. (his was healthy living by choice though.) besides, i still have the other comforts of life, like chocolates, seafood, cheesecakes, and my mom's kare-kare.

however, if the time comes that i need to go vegetarian.... just kill me! 

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Back to high school mode.


Again, am having crushes here and there. Funny, today’s the first time I looked up the term “crush” in the ever-so-reliable Webster dictionary. And it says:


Crush: an intense and usually passing infatuation; to inspire with a foolish or extravagant admiration.


Intense. It’s a distinctive feeling you just can’t shrug off. No matter how much you tried to put your concentration where it needed to be, you cannot resist a quick glance or a shy hi.


Usually passing infatuation. There’s only 2 reasons why I lose interest; 1.) forced renouncement 2. i’ve gotten to know him too well.  And only 2 reasons why I don’t pursue. 1.) he has a girlfriend, 2.) he’s gay. 


Inspiring. One of the few reasons I wake up every darn morning is the anticipation that I will be sitting beside he-who-must-not-be-named. That I can smell him in all his fresh-out-of the-shower glory and hear his baritone bedroom voice (if there is such. i do tend to exaggerate.) I finish more work. I sing more songs. I linger. I try to look and smell good. I make more effort. Caring not if he notices or not. Ok, I do care if he notices. Actually, I pray that he notices. I pray hard.


Foolish or extravagant admiration. Back in college, I was a self-proclaimed stalker. I used to doodle my crush’s name on my notebook, along with it the outline why I have a crush on him in the first place. I lost a couple of hundreds in pusoy just because he’s the bangka. I almost failed my majors exam coz I stayed all night talking with Whamos over the phone. (Whamos. I miss that wacko!)


Looking back, admittedly, I was stupid and foolish. I felt giddy and inspired. And I enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind being foolish again. It's my personal escape when I feel like I'm stuck in a routine. It adds spice to my so called life.


So, to my crushes. Past, present and future. Thank you!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

pizza, barbeques, and a hot cocoa drink…

Hopefully Dyn-dyn passed his exam on tuesday.


After what has transpired last Monday night, I doubt that Mr. Flores woke up in time for his Azeus exam. Not unless, ever faithful-on-time Nathan served as alarm clock, or better yet drove him to Ortigas.


Eons ago, we used to go out every week. That was when my weekends are free, Dyn's still a student (and not perturbing about terrorists), Kid's red car's still at his disposal, Ria only has one phone and is not stumbling over 3 different phone numbers and Paul's not spending a thousand bucks over a snow globe.


Babbling. Again.


Going back.


Monday didn't commence according to plan. The pasimuno slept around 3 am the night before, so understandably,  she was still snoring until 10 am. Difficulty was, Ria inadvertently changed sims with Bossman, Paul was coming from Batangas and Rossen can't find anyone to leave her son with. The rain pouring down on us didn't help either.


3 hours, 10 unanswered phone calls and a hundred and one texts later, Poli, Bude and i were eating pizzas at Sbarro Sm Megamall.


Ria's working 2 pm to 10 pm, we tried to BI her to stay but to no avail.


Darn Linus didn't go to work but was hanging out in YM with his hunh.


Dyn-dyn's still at work and still apprehensive about the terrorists after him


Rossen's either asleep or fixing milk for Ian.


But to cut the long crappy story short, the party of 5 and a half met at Mcdo Sm North around 6 pm. And we stuck with the usual senseless conversation, sarcastic remarks and comedic banters. 


I thought the day would end after pictures were taken (most of Ian) and barbeque dinner at Colasa's was finished. But boy, was I wrong!


Craziness begun at 11 pm. If you could only picture us there. A mini stage. Rodyn's rendition of Through the fire. Linus' version of Don't touch my birdie. A mic stand. Paul's forced Smooth. Sizzling sisig. Disco lights. Ria's interpretation of Bring me down. And a mug of iced tea. No, not beer. Iced tea. Yeah, yeah, pathetic, I know. 


Imagine a beerhouse circus. That's exactly how we look like!


But as the cliche goes, all good things come to an end. Monday ended without us noticing.


Monday made me realize 4 things.


1. I missed my friends so freakin much.

2. My friends freakin missed me.

3. We are growing up, not growing old.

4. We should do this more often.


Tara, next week ulit!

Friday, July 01, 2005

weekly report

talk about unlucky. i had the most unfortunate week, and today’s just halfway done.


actually, monday started fairly well. i stayed all day at home, fought with my little brother who would get the pc authority. being the surfing aficionado that i was, my day ended at 5 in the morning. i can smell the neighbor's breakfast. bacon and tuyo. not much of a pair, but yummy nonetheless.


tuesday was such a bore. i felt like i gained good 10 pounds being languid the entire day.


then wednesday came. not only do I have no money, no enthusiasm and no load (damned prepaid sim!), i have to live thru the day in the office without the net. i was pulled out to train incoming newbies. i found myself giving lecture to a bunch of deadpans. ignorance I can take. but apathy?! i felt like i'm sort of an intellectual narcotic.


thursday is way f*cked up! i don't wanna elaborate.


i was supposed to finish this piece by friday but of course, my work did not permit it. so here i am, back into my blissful repose that is blogging.


dyn dropped by yesterday. he brought me "makabayan".




i forgot to bring my wallet.


my crush just passed by me. he's resigning. why am i working here again?


am anticipating a surprise later this day.


can't wait til monday.


my eyes are open but my subconscious is asleep.


my brother lost 3 pounds.


tonight's the first lottery draft in WWE RAW.


am singing "insensitive" in my head.


my seatmate's humming "life goes on" by leann rimes.


shame on you if you fool me once. shame on me if you fool me twice.


i'm blabbing. again.


my supervisor's coming.



