Monday, July 10, 2006

top 10 hottest men

according to my standards, of course

KIDDYN – hunks ‘to. maniwala kayo! )

1. Bobby Lashley - WWE Smackdown

2. Raymond Bagatsing

3. Adam Sandler

4. Mark Ruffalo - 13 going on 30 and Just Like Heaven

5. Dave Batista - WWE Smackdown and former World Heavyweight Champion

6. Jack Black - School of Rock

7. Tutti Caringal - Protein Shake vocalist and 6 Cycle Mind drummer

8. Gilbert Remulla - News Personality and member; House of Representatives

9. Kelley Mangahas - Dicta License and Kjwan's bassist

10. D' Generation X - good individually, great together


dyn flores said...

1/2. KIDDYN - the most gorgeous HUNKS of all hehehe :p mwah!

rena bravo said...

haha! syempre! walang tatalo sa HUNKS na yan. lemme add you on the list...

rena bravo said...

;D - the other half of 1/2